Another year of hopping is behind us, and it was wonderful to see so many happy, smiling faces. I hope everyone who participated in Shop Hop 2011 enjoyed traveling and seeing all we had to offer. Here at Flying Geese, we worked hard to bring you lots of eye candy (as well as the real stuff- candy that is!) and inspiration. For those of you who may not have been able to join in the 4 day event (and have not yet seen our new displays) here are just some of the highlights.
This year the participating shops had a calendar block designed for them. Finishers received the 12 month calendar as part of their finishing gift. Our design paid homage to fall with an appliqued windblown tree. I do believe there will be a limited number of calendars for sale after June 15th. Keep an eye on your upcoming emails.

Reproduction quilts in blue and white, or scrappy civil war inspired fabrics as well as a rustic cotton with wool applique quilt were among the favorites of many of our shoppers.

This small primitive pillow designed by Jan Patek is just one of three projects featured in the Premiere Issue of
Primitive Quilts and Projects magazine. I have been calling it a "book-azine" as it has so many projects, each one loudly whispering my name! We sold out of our first shipment quickly and had a second shipment sent asap. We still have a few of these copies left in shop.

A trunk show from Berkshire Quilts graced several of our walls. Patterns for these quilts are available at the shop.

You will also notice some of Cheryl Bloomer's appliqued door hangers. We seem to be covering all the seasons with these. Cheryl used raw edge applique and if you haven't taken a class with her, do put it on your bucket list. We also featured several table runners. Maple leaves, and a fun turkey to grace the fall table were made using the easy Flying Geese Ruler. The lovely collection Dominique II makes a bold statement with its deep colorway.
I did have a photo of our display of blooms and pinwheels, featuring projects from the latest Art to Heart book and patterns by Eleanor Burns.
Unfortunately, my computer refuses to access it! Hopefully it will reappear and I can show it off in my next posting. Better yet, stop by and see it for yourself! On a gloomy day, the colorful renderings perk up the mood.
We also want to extend a huge thank you to all who brought in non-perishables for the food pantry. As a result of your generosity, we were able to make a sizable donation to the Capital District Food Pantry. Your thoughtfulness will help those who have fallen on hard times and are grateful for your helping hands.
In more news, our door prize winners were Mary Van Patten, Maureen Mouso, Cathy Sontongel and Katy Holtslander. Congratulations to all. We hope each of you enjoy your "basket of goodies". Holly Darfler was the winner of the "Quilt in a Jar." Holly's guess of 654 pieces of fabric came closest to the actual number--656. Great guess, Holly! The grand prize winner will be announced after the post-Shop Hop meeting in mid-June. Good luck to all the finishers. I'll be sure to make the announcement here on the blog when we find out ourselves.
We are also
very pleased to announce that Noel Payton's quilt
Jack's Wild Ride made it through Round One of the Design Star contest; she will soon be designing the second round quilt. As of last Wednesday, she had no idea as to what it would be and was anxiously waiting for her "assignment" from McCall's magazine. Thank you to all who voted for
Jack. We will keep you informed on Noel's journey to becoming the next quilt design star. She is already one of ours!
As this post comes to an end, I would also like to mention how great it was having Jean Tobey back at Flying Geese during her visit in New York. Jean pitched in like old times and it was great to catch up. It's been awhile since many of us have seen Jean.
I know she was happy to see some of the customers she remembered from her days as a Goose, and I'm sure they were happy to catch up with Jean as well. Come back soon, Jean! It was such fun having you here.
May you enjoy your Memorial Day weekend. Take time to relax, share a picnic or BBQ with family/friends, and to remember those who give in service to our Country.
Take a few stitches, perhaps, and we will look forward to seeing you soon at the shop.