Saturday, October 16, 2010

Just In Time for "It's Too Easy" with Linda Bennett

Tomorrow, Sunday October 17th, Linda Bennett will debut here at the Flying Geese with her "It's Too Easy" Cozy Quilt class. We are all pleased to have her as part of our teaching staff and hope you will all join us to make her feel welcome. Linda has several more classes scheduled in the upcoming weeks and months, so if you missed this one, stop in and see her samples and get in to one or more of her great classes.

Settle In Sunday....a great way to relax and enjoy the end of a weekend!

We will be open at ten tomorrow for class, but if you're just shopping, our doors are open from eleven to four.


from the book, "A Creative Companion How To Free Your Creative Spirit" by Sark

Live juicy. Stamp out conformity. Stay in bed all day. Dream of Gypsy wagons.
Find snails making love. Develop an astounding appetite for books. Drink sunsets. Draw out your feelings. Amaze yourself. Be ridiculous. Stop worrying. Now. If not now, then when? Make yes your favorite word. Marry yourself. Dry your clothes in the sun. Eat mangoes naked. Keep toys in the bathtub. Spin yourself dizzy. Hang upside down. Follow a child. Celebrate an old person. Send a love letter to yourself. Be advanced. Try endearing. Invent new ways to love. Transform negatives. Delight someone. Wear pajamas to a drive in movie. Allow yourself to feel rich without money. Be who you truly are and the money will follow. Believe in everything. You are always on your way to a miracle...........

This is just a bunch of words that always make me smile. Hope they do it for you too.

Keeping in stitches the best way we know how, quilting!

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