Entering the front door, you are greeted by a spring garden fabric display.
As you look into the shop just a few feet more, you will find the cutting station arranged at "shop center".
To the left is the new check out area with plenty of wall space to feature our many quilts both large and small.
To the right of the front door is our re-vamped Reproduction Fabrics center. We have wonderful reproduction fabrics, books and patterns to inspire those who enjoy making new "old quilts".
Our Fat Quarter rack is filled and ready for the picking, and from this point on, you will see little niches for quiet contemplation and also a "sea" of fabrics!
Our classroom remains in the same area, and will undergo some minor changes as we go along. The addition of comfy cushions to the classroom chairs is just our first improvement! Small fabric racks hold our collection of flannels as well as gold and orange florals. The wool center occupies the end space.
The area that once featured our collection of batiks is now home to our baby/juvenile and novelty prints. More quilts grace the walls and floor space here.
Across the way is the newly organized notions wall! Everything has a place and you will find it much easier to find that needed ruler, marking aide, thread, pins, or the all important package of thangles.
I can only give you a small glimpse in this post;try to make a point of stopping in for the complete tour,and to see all the changes for yourself! Our updated class list is ready- you can sign up for a class, find inspiration in the quilts hanging through out the shop and see our newest line of kits. We'd love to have you just stop by to say hello! Feed back on the changes has been wonderful. We are glad to hear that all the hard work put forth by those who helped in the shop transformation created a shop that gives our customers a warm and happy feeling! We hope to see you all very soon!